What is Verge Valet™?

Verge Valet™ provides residents of participating councils with year-round access to bulk and/or greenwaste collections at a time convenient to you. The service replaces the standard set-date bulk and/or greenwaste collections that were previously offered by the councils.

How do I book a Verge Valet™ collection?

Bookings can be made online via the “Book a collection” tab in the menu bar. Please select your Council to continue, then select your property type.

Should you need assistance in completing the online form or are having technical difficulties, please call the WMRC Recycling Hotline on 9384 6711.

What is accepted for a Verge Valet™ bulk waste collection?

Bulk Waste

Verge Valet™ accepts most items for collection. Generally, things that the Verge Valet Collection Team cannot collect are listed in the right column below. These items will be left behind if put out for collection, and a non-conformance notice will be issued – this is for the safety of our team.

Each collection must be no more than 3m3 (3m x 1m x 1m). Items must be less than 1.5m in length to be easily picked up and put into the collection truck. We understand this may not be possible for bulky furniture items.

Accepted items:                                                 Items NOT ACCEPTED:                                                                      
Air conditioners NO asbestos products
BBQ’s (not gas bottles) NO batteries
Bicycles NO building materials (brick, rubble, concrete, tiles, pavers, sand etc.)
Bulk polystyrene NO car oil & fuel
Bulky toys NO two stroke & petrol lawnmowers
E-waste (TVs, computers, accessories) NO food
Fencing (timber & steel only) NO glass panels (tabletops, mirrors & window panes)
Floor coverings (linoleum, carpet) NO hazardous materials (flammable, toxic or corrosive liquids)
Fridges/freezers (doors removed) NO paint
Garden hoses NO dirt, soil, sand & mulch
Household furniture (no glass) NO tyres
Mattress/es (not accepted in Town of Cambridge) NO vehicles, car bodies, car parts
Mattress bases How much can I put out per collection?

Scrap metal
Plant pots
Small electrical goods
Timber (not garden waste; max. 1.5m length)
White goods (doors removed)

Please note: Bulk waste items that are not accepted in a Verge Valet™ collection may be taken to the West Metro Recycling Centre (or for Fremantle – the Fremantle Recycling Centre). Find out more here.

What is accepted for a Verge Valet™ greenwaste collection


Not available in City of Vincent and City of Fremantle

Accepted items:                                                 Items NOT ACCEPTED:                                                                      
Branches NO items longer than 1.5m or branches over 300mm diameter
Flowers NO asbestos products
Leaves, weeds & grass clippings NO building materials
Palm fronds NO chemically treated or painted/stained timber
Twigs NO dirt, soil, sand & mulch
3m3 per collection booked

Diagram showing how to calculate three cubic metres

NO fencing materials*
NO household rubbish
NO plant pots/garden hoses*
NO plastic bags containing greenwaste**
NO rocks, bricks & rubble
NO turf
NO items included as part of bulk waste collection

* These items can be collected as part of the Bulk Household Waste collection.

If you are worried about small, loose items blowing around, please place them under your branches or twigs. You may also place loose items in a Council Approved greenwaste bag (if your Council provides these), an open cardboard box (which may be returned to your property after collection), or under a weighted tarpaulin.

How far in advance do I need to book?

It is recommended to book your Verge Valet collection as early as possible as collection dates will be removed from the booking form once exhausted – you can book up to 8 weeks in advance. Bookings for the following week will be closed on Thursdays if allocations have not been exhausted sooner.


Monday and Wednesday collection – Town of Mosman Park, Town of Cottesloe and Shire of Peppermint Grove.
Monday collection – Town of Cambridge (City Beach, Floreat, Mount Claremont)

Wednesday collection – Town of Cambridge (Wembley, West Leederville, Jolimont), City of Fremantle (North Fremantle)

Tuesday Collection – City of Fremantle (south of the river) – Beaconsfield, White Gum Valley, Samson, O’Connor, South Fremantle, Hilton

Tuesday and Thursday collection – City of Vincent

Note: Verge Valetcollections are not available on public holidays. 

How can I change or cancel my booking?

We get it, life happens.

You can change, cancel, or postpone your booking by 3:30pm on the business day before your collection date. Simply complete the Change, Cancel or Contact form in the menu bar above. Alternatively, you can phone the Verge Valet Collection Team on 6336 7223 during business hours.

Please give at least one business day’s notice or you will lose your collection allocation.

How many collections can I book using Verge Valet™?

Your council has set an allocation of Verge Valet™ collections – bulk waste and/or greenwaste – that your property is entitled to each financial year (1 July – 30 June).

Town of Mosman Park – up to 2 bulk waste and 1 greenwaste collection

Town of Cottesloe – up to 2 bulk waste and 1 greenwaste collection

Town of Cambridge – up to 2 bulk waste and 1 greenwaste collection

Shire of Peppermint Grove – up to 3 bulk waste and 3 greenwaste collections

City of Vincent – up to 2 bulk waste collections

City of Fremantle– 1 bulk waste collection

Collections allocations are defined by property – not to individual residents/families.  Therefore if you move into a property late in the financial year you may find that your predecessor has used some or all of the collections allocated to that property.

You may choose to purchase additional collections through Verge Valet Extra. This is a pre-paid private collection service that follow the same terms, conditions and guidelines to Verge Valet™. To book this, follow your booking all the way through and select the ‘Verge Valet Extra’ box on the Booking Request Form to pay.

Can I book more than one collection at a time?

Yes, if you have more than one allocation of that collection type available (i.e., 2+ bulk waste or 2+ greenwaste), AND your Council has allocated you more than one collection of that type, you can book multiple collections for the same date.

To do this, please make a note on the Booking Request form under “Anything else we need to know about your collection?” that you would like to use 2 allocations for one booking. Alternatively, you can make separate bookings for each collection.

Does the pre-booked service reduce recycling or reuse of items?

No. All items get sorted off site to maximise recovery of materials. And by separating any metals, whitegoods, mattresses and e-waste from your furniture or general junk, we are able to more easily separate items for recycling.

The waste is on the verge for shorter periods of time to reduce illegal dumping and damage/mess caused by excessive rummaging. Other people can still access your waste for reuse.

If you have items that can still be used, please consider your local Facebook Buy Nothing group, online selling sites like Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace, or a charity donation/collection instead. To read more about ways that you can ensure your items go to a good home before using Verge Valet™, please visit our Repair and Reuse Options page.

Who can I contact about Verge Valet™

Your council should be able to answer basic questions about the service and see any existing bookings:

Town of Mosman Park – 9383 6600 (8:30am – 4:30pm Mon-Fri)

Town of Cottesloe – 9285 5000 (8:30am – 4:30pm Mon-Fri)

Town of Cambridge – 9347 6000 (8:00am – 5:00pm Mon-Fri)

Shire of Peppermint Grove – 9286 8600 (8:30am – 5:00pm Mon-Fri)

City of Vincent9273 6000 (8:30am – 5:00pm Mon-Fri)

City of Fremantle1300 MY FREO (8:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri)


For more complex questions, please contact either of the following:

WMRC Recycling Hotline – 9384 6711 (8:30am – 4:30pm Mon-Fri)

Verge Valet™ Collection Team – 6336 7223 (9:00am – 5:00pm Mon-Fri)

My question is not listed here

If you have a general question about Verge Valet you can contact us on 9384 6711, vergevalet@wmrc.wa.gov.au or the Contact Form here.

If you have another specific query, check the Supplementary FAQs to see if your question is answered there.

If you want to make a change to your booking, or need to find out how many collections you have left, please contact us through this form: Change, Cancel or Contact form.